Thank God for My Child
What the enemy may use to destroy you,
God uses to build your character
For where there was depression
God’s restored joy and laughter

She’s my ‘lil angel sent from above
My precious ‘lil bundle of love
But when I looked at her hands and feet
And realized just how much she needed me…
Responsibility gripped me with fear.
I loved her, love her still
But the enemy snuck in
With what’s classified:
Postpartum Syndrome
(It’s not something imaginary or
faked by women to receive attention)
It was real!
A sense of despair was all I could feel!
But isn’t it funny?!
Now I miss those ten ‘lil fingers and ten ‘lil toes
Cause they don’t cling to me as much anymo’
I miss those ten ‘lil fingers and ten ‘lil toes
Cause oh! How those fingers and toes have grown
My precious ‘lil child is now taller than me
God has blessed her intelligent ‘lil mind
With great dig ideas…
And isn’t it funny?!
What the enemy may use to destroy you,
God uses to build your character
For where there was depression
God’s restored joy and laughter
Thank God for my child!
About The Poet:
Loraine Collins, the previous radio co-host of Ma’at Kemetic Soulism on Gyrosope Radio – Weebly and host of Poetic Love Series on WorldHypeRadio, is a Motivational Speaker and Poet. She is presently setting the foundation of becoming a business owner for a virtual call center by acquiring her second contract and a very proud single mom of an overachiever who’s maintaining a GPA of 4.78 in High School. Look what the Lord has done!